PEP Educator Partnership
Get more money for your classroom with a mini-grant!
Pender Education Partnership provides an opportunity for all Pender County educators to apply for mini-grants for such things as technology, books/materials, etc not supported by district funds that support excellence in the county’s public schools and resources to support the school system’s success. Mini-grants do not exceed $500. Educator mini-grants are paid to the Pender County – the name of the school and put in a fund for that specific class/teacher.
To date, here is a list of grants and amounts funded by contributions to the Pender Education Partnership:
Rocky Point Elementary
Topsail Annandale Elementary
CF Pope Elementary
Cape Fear Elementary
West Pender Middle
Burgaw Middle School
Cape Fear Middle School
Surf City Middle School
Topsail Middle School
Pender Early College High
Topsail High School
Heide Trask High School
$500, $500
$500, $500
$501.56, $500
$350, $461.73, $432.37
$556.90, $1,000
$450, $500, $384.91
PEP Scholarship
Gain a financial foundation with a PEP scholarship.
Start off your secondary education with a Pender Education Partnership scholarship to a certificate program, a community college, or a four-year institution of higher education in North Carolina. One $1000 and one $500 scholarship will be awarded to a student at each of the district’s high schools – Heide Trask High School, Pender Early College High School, Pender High School, Pender Innovative Learning Academy, and Topsail High School. Scholarships are made payable to the school, not the student.